Jane Addams needs your voice, energy and time!  The F.A.C.E. team meets monthly and provides volunteers, decision-making, and more!  School teams come together to learn and set goals for the year to support student achievement.

Our mission as a Family & Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.) team at Jane Addams School is to promote and encourage communication between parents, teachers, administration and the community.

Meeting Dates


Community Resources

District 186 Community Resource Page. Here you will find Dental, Medical, Housing, Utilities, and other resources. (This link takes you away from the Addams F.A.C.E. page.)
2-1-1 is a one-stop connection to the local services 24/7, accessible to everyone, toll-free, with multilingual capabilities.  Simply dial 2-1-1 or call 1-888-865-9903

Contact our Parent Educator, Michelle Gannar, for more information.

Meal Distribution During Hybrid Learning

When District 186 begins the Hybrid In-Person Learning phase on Tuesday, January 12, the school meal (breakfast and lunch) pickup locations and times will be available as follows. These times have been chosen to accommodate families during times of greatest demand (early morning), yet also provide a later option for those families who need it. Hybrid students will receive meals at school on their assigned days. 

Monday 7-11:30 AM
All schools except Ball Charter, Douglas, ELC, Lawrence, and Lincoln. 

7-8 AM – Lanphier, Southeast, Springfield
8:45-10 AM – Franklin & Washington

Addams Title I Compact

Each Title I school shall develop, with parents, a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement while building partnerships to help children achieve high standards.

If you have not received and signed a compact here at Jane Addams, please contact your child's teacher.

*Jane Addams Compact 2020-2021