Greetings LHS Families
My name is Makayla Williams and I serve as your Family and Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.) Liaison here at Lanphier High. I am readily available to listen and communicate your requests and concerns to support students and families. Do not hesitate to reach out to me at any moment via email at or via phone at (217)525-3080 ext. 174.
Lanphier Needs Your Voice, Energy, & Time!
The Family and Community Engagement team will have monthly meetings to collaborate with one another. With that being said, we are looking for volunteers to be a part of our team to assist in decision making and more.
F.A.C.E. Mission Statement:
Our mission as the Family and Community Engagement Team here at LHS is to encourage and promote effective communication between parents, faculty, staff, and the community.
F.A.C.E. Definition:
Family and Community Engagement is a full partnership and shared responsibility among students, staff, families, and the community, providing the necessary resources and support to ensure that every student is college and career ready.
Family and Community Engagement Principles:
Deepen Our Family and Community Engagement System
Building a Welcoming and Supportive Environment for ALL
Enhance Two-Way Communication At ALL Levels
Empower Families in Decision Making
Title I Compact & Policy
Each Title I school shall develop, with parents, a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement while building partnerships to help children achieve high standards.
Please see my welcome letter below!

Questions? Contact our Family and Community Engagement Liaison, Makayla Williams
217-525-3080 x174
Community Resources
District 186 Community Resource page. Here you will find Dental, Medical, Housing, Utilities, and other resources. (This link takes you away from the Lanphier F.A.C.E. page.)
2-1-1 is a one-stop connection to the local services 24/7, accessible to everyone, toll-free, with multilingual capabilities. Simply dial 2-1-1 or call 1-888-865-9903