Principal: Jason Nikson
Email: jnikson@sps186.org
Principal Assistant: Jeremy Menefee
Email: jrmenefee@sps186.org
Admin. Intern: Lindsey Rudd
Email: lrudd@sps186.org
Secretary: Samara Bell
Email: sbell2@sps186.org
Office phone: 217- 585-5828
Office Fax: 217- 585-5830
Lee SCOPE (pager): 217-527-9017
Office hours: 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Lee Daily Schedule
Student Attendance hours:
K-12 - 9:00 am-3:30 pm
* All students dismiss one hour early each Wednesday.
Breakfast & Lunch:
Breakfast : 8:35 a.m.
Lunch | Recess
11:15- 12:00 Life Skills
Before School | Dismissal
Lee School officially opens its doors at 8:35 in the morning. Students who eat breakfast proceed immediately to the cafeteria line, while students not eating go to their assigned grade level breakfast table and sit on their number.
The school day officially begins at 9:00 a.m.
Late students need to come to the office first for a pass to class.
The school day officially ends at 3:30 daily except.
Every Wednesday students dismiss one hour early from school. During this time teachers and staff collaborate in order to be more effective in teaching and serving students.
** If you need to pick up your student early or make alternate pick-up arrangement, please call the school before 3:00 to allow a reasonable time frame for classroom teachers to ensure your child's safety.