Retirement ceremony retirees

Ring-a-ling! You could hear the bells ringing loud and clear as the 2024 retirees gathered at the Inn at 835 for a heartfelt retirement ceremony. Superintendent Jennifer Gill and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Gina McLaughlin-Schurman lovingly presented the trademark golden bell to each retiree after enjoying a delicious meal. Click Here for Photos

It was truly wonderful to have so many fantastic staff and educators in one room to celebrate. We deeply appreciate all the amazing things

these remarkable individuals have accomplished over the years and can't thank them enough for their unwavering dedication and years of service.

Our community and school district have greatly benefited from having such outstanding people in these roles. Their commitment and passion have made a lasting impact, helping to shape the future of countless students and enriching the lives of everyone in our district.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your unwavering dedication! Here's to a happy and fulfilling retirement!