5th grade beginner band meeting october 5th

District 186 is excited to offer begin an after school Beginning Band Program for 5th grade students. Interested families will need to attend an information meeting for an opportunity to sign up and sign student/ parent contract.

Meeting Location: Springfield High School Band room

When : Thursday, Oct. 5  6-6:30pm

Please rsvp using this form so we can know how many to expect. If you signed up for another meeting date and could not attend, please join us Thursday!


5th Grade Beginning Band Program Information

Location: Washington Middle School

Time: Tuesdays from 4:15- 5:15 pm 

 a snack will be provided at the start of the program before lessons

Lesson instructors will be District 186 teachers certified to teach Band. Fifth grade band students will have the options of Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion. There will be option to rent from District 186 or rent from local music shops. Bus transportation to the program may be available from elementary schools. Students must be picked up by families at 5:15 pm.