Stacks of Chromebooks and iPads


Computer Services:
217.585.5802 Internal 85500

System Support:
217.525.3009 Internal 81570

Fax - 217.585.5809

Office Hours 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Summer 4:00 PM)

Canvas Information

Canvas Logo

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that is available to all K-12 District 186 teachers for blended learning. It bundles assignments, assessments, feedback for learning, messaging, learning and engagement analytics, and more—while keeping everything simple, easy, and in one place. To learn more about Canvas click here.

Canvas parent account instructions

Canvas Login Button

Parent Canvas Login Button

Device Information

Technology Equipment Policies & Procedures
Please review the policies and procedures for all technology equipment.

Device Usage Guide
Includes tips for cleaning and caring for your device and instructions to add a wifi network to the device.
