Lee Families: today will be an E-learning day due to predicted snow conditions. Please check your teacher's canvas page for further instructions! Call the school with any questions. 217-585-5828
1 day ago, Lindsey Rudd
e learn
Tonight is our first Lions Basketball game! Our A game vs. Owen Marsh begins at 5:30 with our B game starting at 6:15. Admission is $3 for adults, $1 for students. Good luck, Lions! ♥️🦁
3 days ago, Lindsey Rudd
Goodmorning Lee Families! Friendly reminder that tonight is Middle School Preview Night at your students next middle school! Time: 6pm-7pm
7 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Goodevening! Bus 23 and 43 wil be combined this afternoon.
8 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Goodevening! Bus 255 and Bus 250 are combined this afternoon.
8 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Attendance Reminder:
8 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Attendance Announcement
Bus 43 and 73 will be combined this afternoon.
14 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Bus 23 and 53 will be combined this afternoon.
14 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Our students are 100 days smarter tomorrow! We are celebrating with a day to dress up like 100-year-olds!
15 days ago, Lindsey Rudd
Goodafternoon Lee Families! Bus 252 and 249 were combined with Bus 248. This bus will be arriving late. Have a great night!
16 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Goodevening Lee Lion Families! Bus 23 and 43 will be combined. This bus will be late getting to homes this evening. Have a great night!
17 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Bus 254 has just left Lee. They will be arriving to stops a few minutes behind.
20 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Bus 23 and 43 will be combined tonight. Have a great weekend!
20 days ago, SAMARA BELL
Tomorrow is our Hour of Code Event! We hope you can join us, tomorrow at 1:30!
21 days ago, Lindsey Rudd
Hour of Code
Lee Families: Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st will be an e-learning day due to frigid temperatures. Please have devices charged and check Canvas/email for Google Meet instructions. Attendance will be taken during the Google Meet portion. You may reach out to your teacher or call the school tomorrow for technology assistance.
24 days ago, Lindsey Rudd
Hey Lions! Final reminder for our Lee School apparel store. The store closes tonight at midnight. Place your orders by following the link: https://leeschool2025.itemorder.com/ Also, reminder there is no school on Monday in observance of MLK day. See you Tuesday!
25 days ago, Lindsey Rudd
For our students in our K-5 programming, MAP Testing begins tomorrow! Please make sure your student is going to bed on time, eating healthy meals at home, and arriving to school on time!
30 days ago, Lindsey Rudd
Goodevening Lee Lions! SCOPE has moved from the gym to our faculty room tonight.
about 1 month ago, SAMARA BELL
Hi Lions! Our apparel store will close one week from today on 1/19! Place your orders today using the link or QR code found on Rooms! https://leeschool2025.itemorder.com/
about 1 month ago, Lindsey Rudd
Goodafternoon! Transportation update: Bus 43 and 73 will be combined. Bus 23 and 53 will be combined. Thank you! Have a great weekend!
about 1 month ago, SAMARA BELL