Our Pre-Kindergarten students always work hard at school.

We keep achieving! Our newest attendance goal of 91% has been reached. Thank you again families!

Our annual egg hunt was so much fun. It was a beautiful day!

Ringing the bell for signing the Book of Success!

We celebrated reaching our 90% attendance goal with a school-wide recess. Thank you families and congratulations!

Our Senior Life Skills students completing their vocational tasks!

One of our third graders signing the Book of Success!

Hard work in the first grade classroom.

Celebrating great success with one of our Kindergartners!

Some of our first grade artists!

As part of our Attendance Matters! school-wide effort, each class tracks their daily attendance so both staff and students know their progress towards our latest attendance goal.

Marcy Hale, our third grade teacher, has been named a 2022 Horace Mann Rising Star. Congratulations Marcy and we are so glad that you have come to Lee!